Candela GentleMax Pro

Professional Laser Hair Removal

What Does the Candela GentleMax Pro Laser Do?

The revolutionary Candela GentleMax Pro Laser treatment employs the capabilities of two lasers, offering a diverse range of secure and efficient treatment alternatives. With its unique dual wavelength technology, GentleMax Pro stands out as a top choice for laser hair removal, as well as addressing a multitude of skin-related issues, such as:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Spider and leg veins
  • Facial redness and broken blood vessels
  • Removal of sunspots or benign keratoses
  • Sun damage treatment
  • Port wine stains
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Angiomas and hemangiomas

Who Is a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

GentleMax Pro laser hair removal presents an optimal solution for individuals seeking to eliminate unwanted hair from various body parts such as the face, legs, arms, underarms, back, chest, and bikini line. Distinct from other laser hair removal treatments, the GentleMax Pro laser can successfully target all hair colors. In addition, its dual-wavelength laser technology enables providers to guarantee permanent hair removal outcomes for individuals with all skin types.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Other GentleMax Pro Treatments?

Suppose you have particular skin-related issues that you wish to ameliorate, such as wrinkles, age spots, sun spots, uneven skin tone, or facial and leg veins. In that case, you may consider opting for GentleMax Pro treatment. Additionally, this procedure is an excellent option if you seek a non-invasive alternative for overall facial rejuvenation.

What Happens During a GentleMax Pro Session?

At the beginning of your GentleMax Pro laser treatment, your skin undergoes cleansing, and you will receive protective eyewear. Your treatment specialist provider employs a small handpiece to deliver a laser light energy pulse to the treated area. Additionally, the device discharges a cooling spray, which protects the skin and mitigates discomfort from the laser pulse.

You may experience mild discomfort during treatment, often likened to the sensation of a rubber band snapping against the skin. Although the cooling mechanism minimizes pain, you can request your provider apply a topical anesthetic before beginning the session.

To enhance your comfort further, your provider may apply a cool compress or gel pack at the end of your treatment. Depending on the area and condition being treated, your GentleMax Pro laser treatment session can range from several minutes to an hour.

Following treatment, your skin may appear slightly red and swollen, similar to a mild sunburn. There is no associated downtime with GentleMax Pro, and you can immediately resume most of your regular activities. It is advisable to avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area and use harsh cleansers until the skin heals.

When Will I See Results From a GentleMax Pro Treatment?

To make sure you get the best results possible with GentleMax Pro, you’ll need to have a few treatment sessions. Because your hair grows in stages, we must zap them all while they’re in growth. Typically, we’ll space out your treatments by around six to eight weeks to get every last hair. After each session, you’ll notice that the hair that grows back is lighter and finer.

If you’re dealing with facial or spider veins on your legs, you’ll usually only need one treatment to see results. But, for pigmented lesions like seborrheic keratosis and moles, it might take two to four treatments to get rid of them for good. The same goes for lines, wrinkles, and those pesky brown spots caused by too much sun exposure – two to four treatments usually do the trick.

When you come in for your consultation at Forefront Dermatology, your provider will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve the best results possible.

What Are the Benefits of GentleMax Pro Laser Treatment?

GentleMax Pro is a versatile treatment that provides many benefits. These include:

  • Non-invasive treatment with no downtime
  • Safe and effective for all skin types
  • Built-in cooling device reduces discomfort
  • Targets hair of all colors, even blonde and gray hair
  • Permanent hair reduction
  • Reduces ingrown hairs
  • Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles
  • Diminishes brown spots, facial veins, and leg veins

Does GentleMax Pro Cause Any Side Effects?

The Food and Drug Administration approves the GentleMax Pro laser, a safe and effective procedure by a board-certified dermatologist. Side effects of GentleMax Pro include redness and swelling. However, these effects are mild and usually fade away within 24 hours.